Oral presentations (except for invited plenary talks) will be scheduled in 20-minute slots. We strongly encourage a presentation of no longer than 15 minutes to allow 3 minutes for questions and discussion and 2 minutes for transition to the next speaker. Please be aware that session chairs will strictly enforce the time limit to ensure that other speakers in the session are given the time promised to them.

As early as possible in the conference week—but no later than the evening before a morning presentation and the morning before an afternoon presentation, speakers should bring their presentation on a flash drive to the registration/help desk so it can be checked and then uploaded onto the main presentation computers. Oral Session 1 presentations should be uploaded on Sunday evening or before 09:00 Monday morning.

To aid in organizing the presentations, all files should be named using the following format: Submitter’s LastName_presentation day (e.g., Ramarui_Monday).

Acceptable formats for presentations are PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx), Apple Keynote (.key), or PDF (.pdf). Videos may be either embedded in the PowerPoint or Keynote presentation or viewed in a third-party media player. Acceptable video formats are .mov or .MP4. Please prepare your content and ppt/key slides in 16:9 widescreen format to ensure consistent appearance of presentations. Content created in aspect ratio 4:3 will still be displayed, but within 16:10 projection screens with sides “black” to fit the screens. If you have any questions about presentation formats, please contact Jenny Ramarui at [email protected].

Presentations should be prepared with clarity in mind, using easy to read fonts and font sizes. Please avoid the use of red on green and vice versa to ensure that any audience members with difficulty differentiating between these colors are able to read all slide content. The Oceanography Society provides an excellent guide titled “Scientifically Speaking” on preparing both oral and poster presentations that can be found here.